Carte Amazon Business American Express

Rated 4.27 out of 5 based on 22 customer ratings
(23 customer reviews)

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SKU: B08HYJJ7TY Category: Vendor: Majesty Crafter
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23 reviews for Carte Amazon Business American Express

  1. Rated 4 out of 5

    Chevallier Charly

    Très bien sauf que je ne comprends toujours pas pourquoi j’ai du repayer 82€ une nouvelle carte alors que la mienne etait encore valable plus d’un an ! Et Amex que j’ai appelé n’a pas pu me donner d’explications…!!?? Du coup j’ai 2 cartes Amex Amazon , incompréhensible 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

  2. Rated 3 out of 5


    Très pratique et rapide pour le paiement mais malheureusement beaucoup de commerçants notamment la plateforme du bâtiment n’acceptent pas cette carte de paiement.
    Lors de la souscription, on m’a promis 200 euros de crédit mais je n’ai eu que 80 euros malgré mes relances sans réponse de votre part.

  3. Rated 1 out of 5

    Laurent Mignacco

    Complètement nul, service client qui ne répond pas. Non compatible iPhone

  4. Rated 5 out of 5


    Depuis plus de 20 ans j’utilise mon American express régulièrement pour faire mes achats et surtout voyager avec mes miles
    J adore ce moyen de paiement et la politique de la société professionnelle a l écoute
    J ‘adore !! RAS

  5. Rated 1 out of 5

    Gallardo Richard

    Une carte sans intérêt aucune possibilité de règlement merci de bien vouloir me l’annuler.

  6. Rated 2 out of 5

    Eurl les lunettes de clea

    a peine souscrite la carte a été bloqué pour étude de mes relevés bancaire ce que je peux tout a fait comprendre.
    Par contre je ne comprend pas du tout pourquoi ca n a pas été fait a l ouverture de la carte ca aurait bcp plus pertinent encore plus un pleine période de Black Friday.
    Si je n avais pas ralle votre interlocutrice ma précisé que la période d étude des documents pouvait aller jusqu’à a 10 jours
    tous simplement hallucinant.
    je remercie l interlocutrice qui a réduit ce délai.
    mais je ne vous cache pas que je pensais la procédure simple j ai été franchement déçu sachant que la clôture de la carte a été sans crier gare.
    je voulais éventuellement souscrire en perso une carte je vais éviter et je vais me laisser l année pour voir si je conserve la carte pro ou pas.

  7. Rated 5 out of 5

    Client d’Amazon

    Très bien adapté pour les achats sur Amazon , je recommande sans hésiter

  8. Rated 5 out of 5


    la qualité

  9. Rated 5 out of 5


    Have you personally installed or used this auto spare part :
    Rated 5 out of 5
    Did this product meet your expectations based on your experience with similar parts? :
    Rated 5 out of 5
    Would you consider using this product again for future repairs or replacements? :
    Rated 5 out of 5

    Are you specialist : Yes

    Based on your expertise, how does this product compare to others you’ve used? : Super

    The Amazon Business American Express Card is a fantastic choice for business owners who frequently shop on Amazon. It offers cashback rewards, flexible payment options, and no annual fee. The integration with Amazon Business makes managing expenses easy. Highly recommended for entrepreneurs looking to maximize their savings!

  10. Rated 5 out of 5


    Have you personally installed or used this auto spare part :
    Rated 5 out of 5
    Did this product meet your expectations based on your experience with similar parts? :
    Rated 5 out of 5
    Would you consider using this product again for future repairs or replacements? :
    Rated 5 out of 5

    Are you specialist : Yes

    Based on your expertise, how does this product compare to others you’ve used? : Excellent

    love this payment method and the company’s professional and attentive policy.
    I love it!! RAS

  11. Rated 5 out of 5


    Have you personally installed or used this auto spare part :
    Rated 5 out of 5
    Did this product meet your expectations based on your experience with similar parts? :
    Rated 5 out of 5
    Would you consider using this product again for future repairs or replacements? :
    Rated 5 out of 5

    Are you specialist : Yes

    Based on your expertise, how does this product compare to others you’ve used? : Excellent

    The Amazon Business American Express Card is great for business owners who shop on Amazon. It offers rewards, flexible payment options, and no annual fee. Managing expenses is easier with its business-friendly features. A smart choice for frequent Amazon shoppers. 😌

  12. Rated 5 out of 5


    Have you personally installed or used this auto spare part :
    Rated 4 out of 5
    Did this product meet your expectations based on your experience with similar parts? :
    Rated 5 out of 5
    Would you consider using this product again for future repairs or replacements? :
    Rated 5 out of 5

    Are you specialist : Yes

    Based on your expertise, how does this product compare to others you’ve used? : Excellent

    The Amazon Business American Express Card is a great option for business purchases, offering rewards and flexible payment options!

  13. Rated 5 out of 5


    Have you personally installed or used this auto spare part :
    Rated 5 out of 5
    Did this product meet your expectations based on your experience with similar parts? :
    Rated 5 out of 5
    Would you consider using this product again for future repairs or replacements? :
    Rated 5 out of 5

    Are you specialist : Yes

    Based on your expertise, how does this product compare to others you’ve used? : Yes

    100% satisfied

  14. Rated 5 out of 5


    Have you personally installed or used this auto spare part :
    Rated 5 out of 5
    Did this product meet your expectations based on your experience with similar parts? :
    Rated 4 out of 5
    Would you consider using this product again for future repairs or replacements? :
    Rated 5 out of 5

    Are you specialist : yes

    Based on your expertise, how does this product compare to others you’ve used? : nice

    Very good except that I still don’t understand why I had to pay 82€ for a new card when mine was still valid for more than a year! And Amex whom I called could not give me an explanation…!?? So I have 2 Amazon Amex cards, incomprehensible .

  15. Rated 4 out of 5


    Have you personally installed or used this auto spare part :
    Rated 5 out of 5
    Did this product meet your expectations based on your experience with similar parts? :
    Rated 4 out of 5
    Would you consider using this product again for future repairs or replacements? :
    Rated 5 out of 5

    Are you specialist : Yes

    Based on your expertise, how does this product compare to others you’ve used? : The benefits

    Amazon Business American Express Card is a great option for businesses, offering cashback rewards, flexible payment terms, and no annual fee. It provides benefits for Amazon purchases and helps manage business expenses efficiently. A smart choice for frequent Amazon buyers

  16. Rated 5 out of 5


    Have you personally installed or used this auto spare part :
    Rated 5 out of 5
    Did this product meet your expectations based on your experience with similar parts? :
    Rated 5 out of 5
    Would you consider using this product again for future repairs or replacements? :
    Rated 5 out of 5

    Are you specialist : Yes

    Based on your expertise, how does this product compare to others you’ve used? : Excellent

    The Amazon Business American Express Card is a tailored financial product designed to streamline business expenses, maximize savings, and provide valuable rewards for businesses that frequently shop on Amazon or other platforms.

  17. Rated 5 out of 5


    Have you personally installed or used this auto spare part :
    Rated 5 out of 5
    Did this product meet your expectations based on your experience with similar parts? :
    Rated 5 out of 5
    Would you consider using this product again for future repairs or replacements? :
    Rated 5 out of 5

    Are you specialist : Yes

    Based on your expertise, how does this product compare to others you’ve used? : Excellent

    Une carte idéale pour les entreprises ! La Carte Amazon Business American Express offre des avantages incroyables, tels que des points de récompense, des frais de gestion réduits et des outils de gestion de dépenses efficaces. Parfait pour les entreprises qui achètent régulièrement sur Amazon.

  18. Rated 4 out of 5


    Have you personally installed or used this auto spare part :
    Rated 5 out of 5
    Did this product meet your expectations based on your experience with similar parts? :
    Rated 5 out of 5
    Would you consider using this product again for future repairs or replacements? :
    Rated 5 out of 5

    Are you specialist : Yes

    Based on your expertise, how does this product compare to others you’ve used? : Good

    This card streamlines purchasing on Amazon Business, offering exclusive benefits like cashback rewards, extended payment terms, and detailed spending reports. The integration with Amazon Business makes it incredibly easy to manage expenses, track orders, and control budgets.

  19. Rated 5 out of 5


    Have you personally installed or used this auto spare part :
    Rated 5 out of 5
    Did this product meet your expectations based on your experience with similar parts? :
    Rated 5 out of 5
    Would you consider using this product again for future repairs or replacements? :
    Rated 5 out of 5

    Are you specialist : Yes

    Based on your expertise, how does this product compare to others you’ve used? : Excellent

    Nice product highly recommend

  20. Rated 5 out of 5


    Have you personally installed or used this auto spare part :
    Rated 5 out of 5
    Did this product meet your expectations based on your experience with similar parts? :
    Rated 5 out of 5
    Would you consider using this product again for future repairs or replacements? :
    Rated 5 out of 5

    Are you specialist : yes

    Based on your expertise, how does this product compare to others you’ve used? : Excellent

    Very good product i have used i ever for my clients , my clients is very happy, he has no issue ever after using this product , i recommend to use that product .

  21. Rated 5 out of 5


    Have you personally installed or used this auto spare part :
    Rated 5 out of 5
    Did this product meet your expectations based on your experience with similar parts? :
    Rated 5 out of 5
    Would you consider using this product again for future repairs or replacements? :
    Rated 5 out of 5

    Are you specialist : Yes

    Based on your expertise, how does this product compare to others you’ve used? : Excellent

    The Carte Amazon Business American Express is a great option for business owners who want to maximize rewards and simplify costs. It rewards with valuable cashback for purchases made on Amazon, allowing businesses to save on necessary supplies. With no annual fee and flexible payment terms, it gives the power of financial choice while earning rewards for every day business spending. And with the intagration with Amazon Business, expense tracking is a breeze. A good card for businesses that want to maximize their purchasing power!

  22. Rated 5 out of 5


    Have you personally installed or used this auto spare part :
    Rated 5 out of 5
    Did this product meet your expectations based on your experience with similar parts? :
    Rated 5 out of 5
    Would you consider using this product again for future repairs or replacements? :
    Rated 5 out of 5

    Are you specialist : Good

    Based on your expertise, how does this product compare to others you’ve used? : Lookful

    La carte Amazon Business American Express est une carte de crédit conçue spécifiquement pour les entreprises qui achètent régulièrement sur Amazon. Elle offre plusieurs avantages, notamment :

    – Des récompenses sur les achats Amazon
    – Aucun intérêt si payé en totalité chaque mois
    – Aucuns frais annuels
    – Une gestion des dépenses simplifiée
    – Des outils de gestion pour les entreprises

    Cette carte est idéale pour les entreprises qui souhaitent maximiser leurs récompenses et gérer leurs dépenses de manière efficace.

  23. Rated 3 out of 5


    Have you personally installed or used this auto spare part :
    Rated 4 out of 5
    Did this product meet your expectations based on your experience with similar parts? :
    Rated 4 out of 5
    Would you consider using this product again for future repairs or replacements? :
    Rated 4 out of 5

    Are you specialist : Yeah

    Based on your expertise, how does this product compare to others you’ve used? : Better one

    The Amazon Business American Express Card is a great option for business purchases, offering rewards and flexible payment options!

Vendor Information

Vendor: Majesty Crafter
Rating: 4.85 rating from 2898 reviews

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